§ 6.02. Budget  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Submission of the budget. On or before the fifteenth day of August of each year, the City Manager shall submit to the City Council a balanced budget for the ensuing fiscal year to meet the goals and objectives of the City Council and provide a budget message.


    Budget Message. The budget message shall explain the budget both in fiscal terms and in terms of work programs for the ensuing fiscal year. It shall outline the proposed financial policies of the City and shall include such other material as the City Manager deems necessary,


    Budget Contents. The budget shall contain the following:


    Comparative figures for the estimated income and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year compared to the combination of: actual income and expenditures through, the latest complete accounting period that information is available for at the commencement of budget preparation, and the estimated income and expenditures for the incomplete portion of the current fiscal year.


    The proposed expenditures of each office, department, or function.


    A schedule showing the debt service requirement due on all outstanding indebtedness and on any proposed debt.


    The source or basis of the estimates.


    The total of the proposed expenditures which shall not exceed the total estimated income and the balance of available funds.


    The budget message which shall include a forecast of a five-year estimate of revenues and expenditures and an explanation of its effect on taxation. The source or basis of the estimates shall be a part of the forecast.


    Such other information as may be required by the Council or deemed desirable by the City Manager.


    Public Hearing on the Budget. The Council shall hold one or more public hearings on the proposed budget prior to the final adoption.


    Adoption of the Budget. The City Council shall adopt the proposed budget, with or without amendment, after public hearings and before the first day of the ensuing fiscal year. Should the Council take no final action before the first day of the ensuing fiscal year, the amounts appropriated for the current fiscal year shall be deemed adopted on a month to month basis. Final adoption shall constitute appropriation of the expenditures proposed from funds so indicated.


    Adjustments after Adoption. During the fiscal year, the City Council shall have the power to make budget adjustments. Expenditures that could not, by reasonable thought and attention, have been included in the original budget, may be authorized by the City Council. All such authorizations by the City Council shall be filed as amendments to the original budget, including the reasons for such amendments.


    Defects in the Budget. Defects in the form or preparation of the budget or the failure to perform any procedural requirements shall not invalidate any tax levy, nor shall it invalidate the tax roll.

( Ord. No. 590 , § 1 (Exh. A), 2-15-16; Election 5-7-16)